Find a Play Therapist in Ireland
Find a Play Therapist in Leinster
(If counties are not listed it means we have no Play Therapist registered with us from that area)
Ailish Lydon - Accredited - 0864061200 - ailishlydontherapy@gmail.com - The Best Beginning -
Ciara Doolan - Accredited - 0896017016 - lotusplaytherapy@outlook.com - Lotus Play Therapy - Swords
Fiona O'Leary - Accredited - 0876527712 - fiona.oleary.pt@gmail.com - Killester
Helga Behan - Accredited - 0833005042 - Sunflowertherapycentre@gmail.com - Sunflower therapy centre
Louise Cox - Certified - 086 3559517 - louiseplaytherapy@gmail.com
Pauline Sweeney - Accredited - 0874146649 - paulinebsweeney@gmail.com - Manor Street Creative Arts Psychotherapy & Counselling Centre
Rebecca Sherry - Certified - 0877873673 - rebecca@childrenstherapyspace.ie - Skerries - Children's Therapy Space
Sorcha Cahillane - Accredited - 086 3979319 -sorcha@cahillaneplaytherapy.ie
Anna Curran: Accredited - 0852353638 - littleswallowstherapy@gmail.com
Brid Grady: Accredited - 087 3945603 - gradybrid@gmail.com
Caroline Fleming - Certified Play Therapist - 085 1554085 - creativetherapysouthdublin@gmail.com
Daisy O'Donnell - (Currently not practising): Certified - 085 2657568 - daisy@cherryblossom.ie
Eike Treanor: Accredited - 086 8215775 - eike@bearinmindplaytherapy.ie - Bear in Mind Play Therapy
Eva Garcia: Accredited - 083 8424180 - evagarciatherapy@gmail.com - Mind and Body works D4
Gemma Kearns: Accredited - 087 4198771 - kearns.gemma@gmail.com - Cedar Park Play Therapy
Helen Sholdice: (not taking referrrals) - helensholdice@gmail.com 0861204781 - www.helensholdice.com
Jade Kearns - Accredited - 089 2150951 - jadekearnsplaytherapy@gmail.com - Rathfarnham
Mairead McCann - Certified - 087 3733433 - mairead@thislittlelightofmine.ie - This Little Light of Mine Play Therapy - Tallaght
Mischa O Mahony: (Certified): 087 7799014 - mischa.l@gmail.com - www.meandyouplay.com
Noemi Kiss - Certified - itsybitsy@windowslive.com - 0876158370 - Kiltipper
Shauna Maxwell: (Accredited): 085 1739402 - shaunamaxwell1@hotmail.com
Audrey Gregan - Accredited - 087 2027460 - audreygregan@thegardenplaytherapy.ie - The Garden Play Therapy - Santry
Joanne Mc Clelland: Accredited - 0857174344 - mcclelland_joanne@yahoo.co.uk
Mary Burns - Accredited - 087 6732958 - maryclareburns@yahoo.ie
Yvonne Power - Accredited - childfocustherapyservices@gmail.com - 0858484349 - Lucan
Catherine Byrne: Certified - 083 0161409 - Lotusflowerplaytherapy@gmail.com Lotus Flower Play Therapy
Lydia Mac Kenna : Accredited - 083 016 6281 – playtherapycarlow@gmail.com
Clare Curtis:Accredited -086 1708070 - clarecurtisplaytherapy@outlook.com - Kildare Play Therapy
Noreen Gilhooly:Accredited - 087 6496915 - noreengilhooly04@gmail.com
Patricia Reddy:Accredited - 086 3983610 - trish@soulchild.ie - Soulchild Play Therapy
Anna McGrath - Accredited Play therapist + Trainee Clinical Supervisor - 087 6840416 - anna.mcgrath@hotmail.com - shinethroughplaytherapy.com
Ann Marie Cormican: Certified - 083 3501985 - bridgingconnectionthroughplay@gmail.com - Bridging Connection Through Play
Caoimhe Foley - Accredited - caoimhefoleykk@gmail.com - 0872727112
No Play Therapists in this area are currently members with IPTCA.
Grainne O'Neill: Accredited - 085 1556056 - grainneoneill.pt@gmail.com - Ashbourne
Helga Behan -Accredited - sunflowertherapycentre@gmail.com - 0833005042 - Dunboyne - Sunflower Therapy Centre
Patricia Croke: Accredited - patricia.croke033@gmail.com - 087 7657647 - Dunshaughlin
Trish Reddy - Accredited - trish@soulchild.ie - 0863953610 -https://www.soulchild.ie/
Helen Ginty-Duffy - Accredited heljginty@gmail.com - 083 0074352 www.zenola.ie
Gayle Neville - Certified - 0868646604 - gaylesneville@gmail.com - Wexford Town
Sarah Carley: Accredited -086 3687093 - salcarley1@gmail.com - Springhill Play Therapy
Claire Way: Accredited - 087 9214486 - claireab007@yahoo.co.uk - Greystones Family Resource Centre
Find a Play Therapist in Munster
(If counties are not listed it means we have no Play Therapist registered with us from that area)
No Play Therapists in this area are currently members with IPTCA.
Bernie Kelleher - Accredited - 087 6694227 - bbkells@gmail.com - Blarney
Deborah Elder - Accredited - 086 3843106 - pgplaytherapy@gmail.com - Purple Giraffe Play Therapy
Mags O'Donoghue - CERTIFIED - 087 7693667 - magsodonoghue1@gmail.com
Pauline Bagnall: Certified - 086 3613431 - pbplaytherapy@hotmail.com - Douglas
Tara O'Donoghue - Accredited - 086 2419263 - forwardstepspt@gmail.com - Frankfield
Elma Kenny (Certified) - +353 (83) 801 4622 - elmakennyplaytherapy@gmail.com
Ann Keating O'Neill - Certified - 086 1771908 - butterflyplaytherapy@gmail.com - Butterfly Play Therapy
Brid Quinn: Accredited: 087 7921472 - bridq@hotmail.com
Deirdre Dunne: Accredited - 085 1198282 - samsungdmink@gmail.com - Little Hearts Play Therapy
Siobhan Fitzgerald: Accredited - 086 3212779 - happykidsireland@yahoo.ie - Happy Kids Play Therapy
Catriona O' Neill-Hayes - Accredited - trina7@hotmail.com - 0879030806 - Instagram: Spiral in Nature Play Therapy
Elaine Burke: Accredited - 087 2829764 - elburke@hotmail.com
Brigeen Wrenn - Accredited - brighterplaceplaytherapy@gmail.com - 0876361113 - Tralee - Brighter Place Play Therapy
Pia Thornton - Certified - 087 6128662 - piathornton77@gmail.com
Find a Play Therapist in Connaught
(If counties are not listed it means we have no Play Therapist registered with us from that area)
Caroline Murray - Accredited - cazmurray80@hotmail.com - 0863196017
Diana Bigioi - Accredited - bigioidiana@gmail.com - 086 3840532
Frances Kelly: Accredited - 085 2077770 - mariplaytherapy@gmail.com - Craughwell Play Therapy
Heather Norman - Certified - heatheranne.norman@gmail.com - 0877427721 - Oranmore
Linsey McNelis: Accredited - 085 7467900 - info@playtherapygalway.com - Play Therapy Galway
Marie Fariñas: Accredited - 089 2450200 - ceartig@gmail.com
Niamh Fox: Accredited - niamhfoxplaytherapy@gmail.com
Sinead Taylor: Synergetic Play Therapist, Autplay Therapist - +353879127879 - sineadhtaylor@gmail.com
Joanne Gibbons - Accredited Play Therapist - 086 1036282 - playtherapywestport@gmail.com
Find a Play Therapist in Ulster
(If counties are not listed it means we have no Play Therapist registered with us from that area)
Zara Conaty - Certified Play Therapist - 083 2090214 - zcplaytherapy@gmail.com